Become a This Naked Mind Certified Coach

Where a deep purpose and profitable business meet

What would it feel like to wake up to a coaching practice filled with clients you LOVE, who, through your work, are finding true and lasting freedom and happiness?

With This Naked Mind Institute, you have an opportunity to embark on one of the most fulfilling, and life affirming careers on the planet...

Where you get to coach like a pro, change countless lives, and build a wildly profitable and aligned business. 

“Annie Grace found her purpose after hitting rock bottom and created This Naked Mind - A program that has empowered millions to change their relationship with alcohol”
Jada Pinkett Smith, Red Table Talk

Living free from alcohol’s control is just the FIRST STEP of your journey! … The FIRST STEP of what you have to offer the world ... 

Your NEXT STEP gives your past a purpose.

… One that allows you to help others find freedom ...

... An opportunity to change the conversation around alcohol from shame, blame and guilt to grace, freedom, and wellness …

And make a great, fulfilling living doing it (regardless of your past coaching or business experience). 

Give your past a purpose with This Naked Mind Institute!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Accepting Applicants Until: 
Friday, January 26th @ 9PM ET / 6PM PT*
*or when all spots are filled
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

This Naked Mind Institute (TNMI), grounded in the principles of Affective Liminal Psychology, is a paradigm shift in our societies approach to habit change and addiction.

Traditional behavior change, habit transformation, and recovery systems are typically based on the belief that altering behavior requires a significant amount of willpower and sometimes even force. However, in 2015, This Naked Mind introduced a dramatically distinct and significantly more effective approach.

What began as a self-published book has now become a global phenomenon:

1.1+ Million Books Sold

23+ Million Podcast Downloads

738K+ Subscribers

100K+ Users in TNM App

500K+ Members in The Alcohol Experiment

333 Certified Coaches

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

The This Naked Mind Institute has expanded its focus beyond alcohol, especially with the introduction of Affective Liminal Psychology in 2023.

Affective Liminal Psychology (ALP) is a groundbreaking approach to behavior change and at present the only curriculum is the Certified Coaching Curriculum at This Naked Mind Institute.

Also known as Affective Liminal Programming

Affective: Pertaining to moods, feelings, and attitudes. It's the emotional tone accompanying what we do, often driving our actions.

Liminal: Relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process; occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.

Programming: The act of instructing or training an individual to alter or control certain behaviors or responses.

Traditional behavior-change methods often prioritize conscious strategies and external reinforcement. While these techniques have value, their success can be limited when the underlying emotional triggers remain untouched.

ALP diverges significantly in its methodology. Recognizing the potent force of emotion, it targets the affective roots of behaviors. Moreover, it harnesses the power of the liminal space, facilitating the unveiling of subconscious emotions into conscious cognition. 

Through this, individuals gain profound insights into their behaviors and are better equipped to instigate enduring change. 

Better methodology = better coaching = better client results. 

Coach Mike Shennan

"TNMI has allowed me to take the incredible gift I received from Annie back in 2018 and share it with others who have found themselves in a similar situation. When I first reached out regarding the possibility of coaching around these techniques and tools, I had no idea what a profound impact it would have on my life and all those I’ve been so fortunate to work with. There have definitely been obstacles I’ve had to overcome, both external and internal, but TNMI has been there to help guide me and support me every step of the way!"


November 2022 - May 2023
This training is extremely limited, and applications will be carefully considered for readiness, desire, intention, growth, mindset and ability.

Please note that by providing your email address to us, you are agreeing to receive other communications from us from time to time and to the terms of our Privacy Policy.

Your Roadmap to Becoming Certified

(Embark on a career filled with clients who find lasting freedom through YOU)

Submit your application.

Join Annie in the Offer Room to hear all about the Institute.

Download and read the entire program brochure (see below).

Secure your spot in the first This Naked Mind Institute Class of 2024 with a deposit.

Onboard into the Institute & meet your coaches and community.

Attend our Certification Training Event March 11th-15th (LIVE or virtual). 

Graduate and complete your certification.

Change lives and make an incredible living in the process.

This Naked Mind’s Certified Coach Training 

The mindful drinking, habit change, and personal development movement is growing year over year. With your certification, you’ll be ready to start or grow your coaching practice into a profitable business that changes lives and allows you to do what you love. 

 Your Certification Program Includes:

5-Day This Naked Mind Institute Training: We kick off the training with a 5 day LIVE Training in Tampa, Florida on March 11th-15th. We'll dig into the foundation of the TNM Methodology, Affective Liminal Psychology, and you'll meet your instructors, connect with your community and fellow classmates, and get certified in just 5 days (Live admission ticket or virtual ticket included).

 1:1 Onboarding with TNMI Certified Coach: ensuring a smooth and tailored introduction to maximize your journey towards growth, success, and transformation.

 6 Weeks of Coaching Calls With Your TNMI Instructors: providing tailored guidance and mentorship to enhance professional development and accelerate success in your business endeavors after our March Certification event!

Weekly Coaching Calls: After the Certification Event, to implement what you've learned, and guide you towards building a profitable business from the start.

Comprehensive Workbook & Robust Curriculum: To guide you through This Naked Mind & Affective Liminal Psychology methodology, designed to provide in-depth insights, practical exercises, and actionable strategies.

Private Community & Virtual Workspace: Your very own private hangout spot and virtual playground! A collaborative environment for members to engage, share ideas, and team up on projects, along with easy access to your curriculum.


 One YEAR in This Naked Mind Academy ($13,000 value): This Naked Mind Academy is the fastest way to level up your entire life, business, personal and mission. Ongoing, step-by-step, expert led training, and follow my exact path and exact mentors to achieve your goals- for an entire YEAR included with your Certification. 


​One year in Coach Connection Mastermind: A year-long Coach Connection Mastermind program, providing a dedicated space for coaching professionals to collaborate, share insights, and elevate their skills through a supportive community-driven experience.

2 Virtual Immersion Events with Annie Grace: Get ready for the most impactful days of the year! An exclusive opportunity to engage in high level conversations with Annie & the TNMI community. 

TNM Business Tracks: A comprehensive resource offering strategic insights and practical guidance for entrepreneurs and business professionals seeking a mindful and successful approach to their ventures.

One Year of Weekly LIVE Mastermind Calls**: tailored for business owners, fostering strategic discussions and collaborative problem-solving within your TNMI community.

One Year of Weekly Animated Energy Curriculum Classes: Your ticket behind the scenes of Live Naked AF.

3-Day Compassion Based Sales Training: Partnering with Guide Culture, we're bringing you sales that actually feel good, so you can THRIVE in your first year of business. 

One Year of Weekly Coaching Practice and Role-Play**: Join This Naked Mind Institute Senior Coaches as you hone in on your coaching skills and play out client scenarios so you feel more confident than ever to guide your clients towards transformation.
**once certified


{When you secure your spot by Monday, January 22nd at 9PM ET / 6PM PT}

 Future Focus: Vision Mapping for This Naked Mind Certified Coach In Training
Led by the esteemed Head Coach and Head TNMI Instructor, Pam McRae, this session is more than just a workshop – it's a transformative experience. Pam, with her wealth of knowledge and expertise, will guide you through the intricate process of vision mapping, helping you to crystallize your goals and aspirations as a coach. This exclusive session is designed to set you on a path of success, tailor-made for the ambitious and visionary coaches in training.

 This Naked Mind Coaching Starter Pack: Exclusive TNM Merch & Annie Grace's Top Recommendations. Jumpstart your coaching journey with our exclusive TNM Coaching Starter Pack!  This specially curated package includes about three unique TNM items, perfect for new coaches. Alongside these inspiring goodies, you'll receive a selection of must-read business and personal development books, personally recommended by Annie Grace. These are the key reads for any aspiring business coach, handpicked to guide you towards success. Plus, enjoy a special touch - a personal note from Annie herself, offering wisdom and encouragement on your coaching path!

 How to Brand and Expand: Creating a Magnetic Presence for New Coaches
Guided by DeAndre Purdie, the lead designer and the very first employee at This Naked Mind, this session is an invaluable journey into the world of branding. DeAndre brings his extensive expertise and creative insight to teach you the crucial aspects of branding and how to effectively incorporate them into your business. This session is more than just a learning opportunity – it's a chance to transform. You will have the option to submit questions for DeAndre prior to this group session. If you are committed to standing out in the coaching field, this session promises to be a cornerstone in shaping a magnetic and impactful presence as a coach.

Coach Zoe Ewart

"Joining TNMI with not much self-belief or confidence, I emerged after what was the best six months I could ever have imagined, not only as a brand new coach full of excitement and confidence but also as an entrepreneur and a newly business-savvy butterfly! I would never have thought that I would be here today helping people help themselves discover a life of freedom and awe whilst them helping me, through their trust and commitment, thrive in a life so beautiful. I still pinch myself that it's mine!"


November 2022 - May 2023
This training is extremely limited, and applications will be carefully considered for readiness, desire, intention, growth, mindset and ability.

Please note that by providing your email address to us, you are agreeing to receive other communications from us from time to time and to the terms of our Privacy Policy.

We prioritize three key principles which underpin all of our education

The method just works, and is Best in Class!
In a world where even the best methods have a success rate
of less than 10%, and most rehab and addiction centers are closer to a 3-5% success rate, the results of our most recent study speak volumes:

In a PhD-reviewed survey of more than 2,300 responses, asking the simple question,“How has your life changed since coming into contact with This Naked Mind?” the results are staggering:

• 54% of people have stopped drinking alcohol
• 36% of people drink less

For a total of:
• 90% of respondents have decreased their frequency or no
longer drink after coming into contact with This Naked Mind.

• 86.5% of respondents have noticed that their mental health has improved after coming into contact with TNM
• 88% of people have significantly changed their drinking after
just one month.

And these are the results for over drinking alcohol! One of the hardest things to overcome. Just imagine what the TNMI methodology can do for your clients in other
areas of their lives.
We believe you must build a business that serves you at the highest level in order to serve your clients at the highest level.
We firmly believe that you can only be at your best when you are free from financial scarcity and have systems in place that allow you to serve either for free or at a low cost (if that’s your calling).

Simultaneously, you can have a thriving, profitable business that enables you to sleep well at night and dedicate as much time as you desire to this most important work.
Did you know? 
 Most This Naked Mind Certified Coaches recoup their initial investment within the first year (and MANY a lot sooner).
 Our current This Naked Mind Certified Coaches earn an average of $3,000 - $12,000 per month.
Financial success is meaningless if you, as a coach, are unfulfilled.
All success is a function of work, or energy expended toward a cause. And interestingly, with human beings, up to 70% of our energy is derived from our emotions. Food, sleep, and other physical factors only provide 30% of our energy and burnout is often caused because the source of that emotional energy is heavy.

At TNMI you will never be taught to:
Through Annie Grace’s seminal work on a concept called ‘Animating Energy’ we teach you to reach the highest levels of success fueled on light energy. 

Energy that is healing, infinite, uplifting, light giving and that is that is more powerful than all the anger, fear, and scarcity in the world combined.

We never chase success without fulfillment.
How can I get started? 

You are ready to let go of your old self, your addictions to the emotions patterns of fear, anxiety and scarcity and step into the truest and most authentic version of yourself. The version of you that was made for such a time as this. 

You realize that the value of This Naked Mind Institute is not in the offer, of all 
of the incredible aspects that are included, but only in the result that comes out of the offer. 

And you realize that result is up to you. Only you can decide if this is right for you, if you are the person who will be able to seize this opportunity and make the most of it. I promise to deliver the most powerful curriculum I know how to, to go all in on teaching, coaching and helping you become the best version 
of yourself to serve the people you were called to serve. 

It is up to you if you are also committed to that vision. The choice is yours. 

Get started today, we have several different payment plans to choose from. 

Option 1




*If you join for our next class

Option 2


$5,500 Today +

$3,220 per month
for 5 months

Lock it in with a $500 Deposit Today


November 2022 - May 2023
This training is extremely limited, and applications will be carefully considered for readiness, desire, intention, growth, mindset and ability.

Please note that by providing your email address to us, you are agreeing to receive other communications from us from time to time and to the terms of our Privacy Policy.

Download & Read the Naked Mind Certified Coach Training Brochure NOW

The Institute Can Change Everything...

Is TNMI Right For You?

Have you heard of the “six degrees of separation” theory? It proposes that you could take any two people on the entire planet and find six or fewer links separating them. 

Whether that’s really true or not, it reminds me of the ripple effect we each create by helping just one person.

It could be anyone, but for me, I think about a mom who’s stuck like I was. Now because of your help, she’s able to be present in her children’s lives and create a more loving environment for them to call home. 

That’s one degree, or one ripple from you. But then another ripple forms as they go on to raise their children and interact with society in a bigger, healthier way…

This leads to a cascade of positive change, leading to restored relationships and the breaking of generational cycles of addiction, shame, and pain.

Peace in someone’s heart where there was war, heartache, and so much fear. Soon it’s not just us that’s been changed - but it’s rippled through communities, nations, and the world. 

Our job is to govern what we’ve been given - which means to find peace in our own hearts first - and then spread that to the clients we get to serve.  

If that resonates with you, I invite you to click the button below, read the entire brochure, and submit your deposit to join This Naked Mind Institute.

“Annie’s strategy includes three main pillars:
rethinking the benefits of alcohol, eliminating the desire for it so there’s no temptation so that, in turn, without temptation there’s no addiction.”
Deborah Roberts, ABC News

This Naked Mind Certification LIVE Event

The in-person, LIVE Certification event is happening for the first time in 5 years, and we want you to be there!

Date: March 11th - 15th
Where: Tampa, Florida

Accepting Applicants Until: 
Friday, January 26th @ 9PM ET / 6PM PT*
*or when all spots are filled
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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Stories from TNMI Coaches

Margie Coltharp

I had coached in the corporate arena for fifteen years before joining TNMI. I learned far more about effective coaching methodology in the TNMI program than in any other coaching program.

Learning the methodology as a coach, and having been a grateful recipient of it as a student, has increased my competence and confidence in my coaching practice.

Pam McRae

When the opportunity arose to be considered as a TNM Coach, something in my heart said this is exactly what I was meant to do, even though I had no idea what was involved. I had never heard of ‘Coaching’ as a business, I was just happy working my full time job and being alcohol free!

My goal was to coach part time, while running my own childcare business, eventually retire from that, and continue coaching. Much to my surprise, I had to end my full time job several years ahead of time, to coach full time. This transition has been the most rewarding opportunity I have ever encountered. To enable to change the trajectory of clients lives every day, while continuing to grow personally from the teachings of Annie Grace and the Mastermind has been the most remarkable time of my life.

Lance Scott

The process of going through the TNMI training, was that it increased and gave value to my strengths, which for me is around creating space and support for people to break through the blocks that keep them from experiencing freedom, peace and joy. TNMI also addressed and helped me move through my weaknesses, which for me is around setting up a business, and dealing with my shadow issues around money. It was great to know I wasn’t alone in this! And I could not have moved through these challenges without the education and support TNMI gave me.

Ruby Williams

My journey with The Naked Mind Institute (TNMI) has been an extraordinary transformation. TNMI presented me with the opportunity to help others, learn to be a coach, and start my own business. This idea ignited a fire within me, prompting me to make a life-altering decision, take a leap of faith, and follow my intuition.

There was an inner voice that whispered that this was my true calling, even though the world of coaching was uncharted territory for me. At that time, I was content with my full-time job and the freedom from alcohol that I had achieved.

Throughout the training process, I marveled at the personal growth I experienced. My confidence soared, and I discovered the ability to forge my path as a coach. Initially, my plan was to coach part-time while balancing a corporate job, with the dream of eventually transitioning into full-time coaching. To my surprise, I achieved this transition earlier than expected.

Tabbin Almond

As a Brit, I found the heavy sell offputting and I so nearly didn’t get involved with TNM because of it. But I’m SO glad I did! I did a 3 month course, and the following year signed up with TNMI. My plan was drop to 4 days a week in my job in advertising and to coach on the fifth day and at weekends. But that didn’t last long… I had learned so much about myself and felt I’d found my true purpose. A small legacy from my mum gave me the financial cushion to resign my well-paid job and start coaching full time. But I didn’t actually need that financial cushion - thanks to my training in TNMI, I have been able to build up a business serving my niche of men and women who are or have been in senior roles in business, sport and the arts. I’m passionately committed to putting alcohol on the wellness agenda in workplaces and to eradicating the shame and stigma attached to problem drinking. My soon to be published book ‘Bottling Up Trouble’ explains how alcohol is holding business back, and explains how we can change the culture so that future generations can avoid the trap I fell into. There is no way I’d have even thought about writing a book if TNMI hadn’t enabled me to build a second career.


November 2022 - May 2023
This training is extremely limited, and applications will be carefully considered for readiness, desire, intention, growth, mindset and ability.

Please note that by providing your email address to us, you are agreeing to receive other communications from us from time to time and to the terms of our Privacy Policy.

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